Friday, March 18, 2016

The unseen makes you to dance!

“The unseen makes me to dance
To the alien tunes, always by pulling
Some unknown string!”

--   Excerpt from the poetic collection: “The Nascent Moon”

The common man thinks that, they are solely responsible for their works and consequently to their outcomes, joys and sorrows as well. But, the eastern religions have a different view on life and the happenings in the world.

While the western world believes on the saying that; ‘man is the architect of his own future’ the eastern world believes that ‘the man is just a puppet in the hands of God, the almighty’. The eastern philosophies claim that, ‘nothing happens here in the world or in your life without the will of God’.

According to the Hinduism, ‘man is dependent on time, time is dependent on the planets, the planets are dependent on our previous karma [deeds], and our deeds are dependent on the God’. Though there are sequences of dependencies or controls but, ultimately the ‘man’ is under the control of the ‘god’.

But, this is a ‘higher level’ understanding and only mature people can come to know this on their own; they could feel this truth in the core of their hearts. In contrary to this the common man thinks or believes that, ‘he is responsible for his own deeds and their outcomes as well’ and of course, this is the belief of the western world as well.

If a person is mature enough, he or she is very near to the god; hence they will not do anything bad or will not harm anyone in the world.  What all they do would be useful to other beings and the world as well. Such individuals could come to this ultimate truth that they are the puppets in the hands of the lord, the god.

Man has no freedom, what so ever according to the eastern mysticism. Man is totally controlled by the ‘god’. Like the cloud taken away by the winds, the man is taken away by the will of ‘god’. A man, who believes in this ultimate truth, will not feel bad even if the ‘god’ keeps him in distress or in bad situations. In the core of the heart he could know that, “all that happen are only done by the god and god will never harm me for sure”. So, these people will lead a detached life even if they face troubles or miseries in life. They have a constant eye at ‘joys’ and ‘sorrows’ alike but, don’t discriminate between them.

This understanding comes to a person, if they purely ‘surrender’ their ‘soul’ to the ‘god’, due to the complete trust on ‘god’. Even if mountains collapse on their head, the person of complete belief will not lose faith and heart. Nothing in the world can move such a person of belief. Who can move a person who lives with the ‘god’, the omnipotent?

The unseen makes you to dance! – But, realizing this ultimate fact is beyond the comprehension of the mind. You can’t prove this by scientific experiments. Only a person of higher level knowing could come to this understanding but, no one else. But, this is the truth – the scriptures claim. But, you too could know this at the dawn of you spiritual life!

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# Bhargava…

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