Sunday, March 27, 2016

What is luck ? How it happens ?

Jack own a lottery prize worth one million dollars. Mulla was elected as the president. Ram's team own the prize in the series game. So on, so forth. Generally it is said that in all these types of cases, the concerned persons have an element of 'luck'. The term 'luck' is used in the day to day life in many ways all through the world, irrespective of religion, age, race or sex. But, what is this 'luck' actually ? The modern science has no answer to this exiting question and all the modern science could say is that just it is chance but, nothing else.
But, fortunately the eastern religions have elaborate descriptions on this concept of 'luck' and how it functions. Here it should be noted that, unlike the western religions the eastern religions have the concept of 'rebirths' and the concept of 'luck' is based on the concept of 'rebirths'.
The eastern religions hold the view that, if a person has done good deeds in this life, then due to the result of these good deeds he would lead a happy life in the next births to come. So, if you are doing good deeds in this birth like; charity, prayer, social service, etc., these good deeds will give their results back to you and you will be happy later in life perhaps be in the next births. This is implied in the Newton's third law, 'for every action there is a equal and opposite reaction'. So, if you do good things then 'happiness' will be the result that would come to you and if you do bad things you will get back 'sorrow and suffering' as the result - thus claim the religions of the East.
So, if a person has done charitable deeds in this life, then due to this he might win a lottery prize or might acquire some other sort of sudden wealth in the next birth to come and this we call as 'luck'. So, the eastern religions claim that, 'nothing comes to you without your action' and this applies to 'luck' as well. If something happens to you 'luckily'; it implies that 'you did some charitable deed in your earlier births and the results you are reaping now but, 'luck' as such will not come all of a sudden like the 'lightening from the blue'. So, everything you call as 'luck' has some roots from the past life; indeed is connected with your works in the past life.
Only the result of your past good works you are getting back in this life as 'luck' but, nothing else. After all, this is what 'luck' is!

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# Bhargava…


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