Although 'good' and 'bad' are relative [depending on place and time] terms, there are certain things or deeds in the world that are really or absolutely good or bad. Even depending on the maturity level of the individual concerned certain things might appear as 'good' or 'bad'.
Although the world is relative, the eastern religions claim that, really there are absolute things in the world that are 'good' and 'bad' alike. If the things or deeds are helpful to you for your spiritual growth then they are the absolute good things or deeds. These are absolute good in the sense that they are universally good, good to all people at all the times and places. For example 'prayer' is good to all the people irrespective of age, sect, race, religion, gender, place, time or something else.
If some thing or deed is not harming you physically, mentally and spiritually - then it is absolute 'good' and on the contrary if it spoils you on any of these grounds then it is absolute 'bad'. For example, smoking and drinking alcohol are bad because these things as you know well are spoiling the physical health of the individual concerned. Prostitution and extramarital sex are bad because it spoils the spiritual growth of the individuals concerned - all the major religions claim this point unanimously.
On the relative plane; depending on the maturity level of the individuals, things and deeds turn out to be 'good' or 'bad'. Broadly speaking, there are 3-types of people in the world; bad people, average people and the good people. These 3-types of people indeed have different perceptions of things and deeds either as good or bad.
The good people can derive or find 'good' even in the so called 'bad' things or deeds. Nothing is 'bad' from their point of view. Even the worst thing that happens or that is present - they think it is only for some sort of good, now or later. Their perception is that every thing happens only for some good but, of course they might fail to prove it in many cases.
On the contrary, the bad people derive or find 'bad' even in the so called 'good' things; these people understand things or deeds differently contrary to the thinking of the 'good' people. The logic these people use might be different and uncommon while coming to conclusions.
The average person on the other hand, feels some things are good and some others are bad. These have the strong feeling of 'good' and 'bad'.
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# Bhargava...
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