three types of students enlisted earlier, the ‘idiotic’, ‘intelligent’ and the ‘genius’
types have different preferences while choosing their colleges and
‘idiotic’ students don’t care where they read and generally they feel any
college or university is fine for them. Preferably they don’t want to join in
the top colleges and universities and of course they can’t get them either. Their
entire motive is to get admitted in any college and they don’t care the ‘ranking’
of the college. Their aim is to get a ‘degree’ or ‘diploma’.
to the ‘intelligent’ students – these are the most choosy while opting for the
college and course and subject. They want to join the so called prestigious institutions,
the top ranked colleges and the best courses available. These will work hard to
meet the requirements of the top colleges and universities; they work so hard
that all their ‘life ambition’ is nothing but, ONLY this – getting a degree
from the ‘best’ college possible. They will take the competitive exams, work
night and day – years in advance, they don’t have anything else in mind till
they get their goal.
the other hand, the ‘genius’ student is NOT that choosy in opting for the
college but, they do have strong desire in choosing their ‘course’ or ‘subjects
of specialization’. These students don’t care much whether they get into the
top college or not. Generally, these students will get into the ‘middle level’
colleges and universities but, not the ‘top notch’ colleges. These are ‘interested’
in what they read but, NOT on where they read.
is interesting to note that: majority of the noble laureates, great scientists
and authors [all intellectuals] came ONLY from the ‘middle level’ colleges and universities
but, NOT from the ‘top colleges’. This has a different reason and will be dealt in another
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Bhargava Kotur
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