Monday, March 14, 2016

3 – Types of persons and their jobs

Based on the type of work a person does – people can be classified in general into three types; A) Laborers B) professionals and C) Intellectuals.

The lowest of these on the ladder is the ‘laborers’. This kind of people in general have a less ‘intelligence’ and are not fit to get any job that requires ‘average’ intelligence. So, these people will settle into jobs that demand no much skill or knowledge or talent. Generally these will do the low level jobs like: hotel servers, gate keepers, cleaners, etc. These class of people long for professional ‘jobs’ but, will fail to get as they are not mentally mature enough.

Next level of people is the educated employees in general holding different degrees and diplomas. These people struggle to get the best education possible and consequently the best possible jobs that suit their caliber. These people struggle for jobs and are dissatisfied when they fail to attain their dream job and unfortunately they often fail to get the job they long for. Majority of these people doing jobs are dissatisfied with their jobs.

The people at the second level are either ‘skilled’ in some or the other thing or ‘knowledgeable’ in some field. They hire their ‘time’ in return for some ‘salary’ and other benefits. Majority of these people look for ‘better salary’ options always. These persons sell their ‘skill’ or ‘knowledge’ for survival and these persons can be replaced with other persons in the job they are doing – as these people generally don’t have or don’t contribute anything ‘original’ throughout their life time.

If these two classes of persons are not doing jobs it is a loss to these people concerned and to the economy of the country as well. But, if the third class persons, ‘intellectuals’ settle into jobs, then it a ‘loss’ to these persons and to the ‘country’, the world and perhaps to the humanity as a whole. Take for example the case of the famous English poet ‘William Wordsworth’. He was employed as the ‘poet laureate’ in the court of the Queen Elizabeth. Wordsworth, in fact worked in the court for 8-years. But, unfortunately he couldn’t write even a piece of poetry for one or the other reason. Thus dejected, he resigned the ‘job’ and settled in the present ‘lake district’ of England and continued his writing and there after produced many of his best works. Had he worked in the court of the Queen, he wouldn’t have written the ‘best of his writings’ and thus would have wasted his time and life as well. He wouldn’t have got the fame too; England would have lost a great poet, the humanity, the world would have lost a ‘great poet’ and some of the great poems. So, had he worked – it would be a loss to him, the country, the world, and the humanity as a whole. By NOT working he and his life were all fulfilled; he got money, he got reputation, he helped the human race and etc., which he wouldn’t have got if he had worked. So, by not working he helped himself, his country, the world and the humanity as well.

This third class of persons, the intellectuals can get ‘jobs’, but they don’t like to do jobs. Instead these persons earn by different methods like; writing books, through their inventions (patents), discoveries, etc. I.e., by doing ‘original’ works, which ONLY they can do and NO one else. These people are NOT replaceable at the work they are doing.

Amongst these three classes of people, the ‘intellectuals’ are the least in number and the other two will come next and their order depends on the educational level of the society concerned.

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# Bhargava…

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