Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Luminous from within !

Religions, especially the eastern religions stress that, it is quite possible to get or gather 'information' or 'knowledge' from the external world; it is possible to become knowledgeable; it is possible to grow 'knowledge' - but, unfortunately it is not possible to grow the 'knowing' or awareness by knowing or learning the 'facts' from the outside world. This is where the human beings; more precisely the animals and the computers differ.

The computer systems can be given information or knowledge but, it is impossible to make them 'aware'. Although a branch of computer scientists are trying hard to make the computers and some robots to mimic the behavior of the human beings using the specialized techniques of 'artificial intelligence' or AI - what they are doing is just to teach the 'systems' to act like the humans in some 'limited domain' but, they are unable to make the 'computer systems 'aware' or 'conscious'. On the other hand, the religions stress that it is impossible to give 'awareness' to a 'machine', claiming that 'awareness' is something that can't be created and matter can't be aware but, only the 'soul' can be aware; 'NOT thing can be aware' but, no thing can be 'aware' ever.

But, the eastern religious claim that, although it is impossible to create 'awareness' it is quite possible to 'increase' awareness. The scriptures hold the view that, humans differ only due to the degree of their 'awareness'; animals too differ due to awareness.

The Charles Darwin's concept of 'evolution' speaks of the 'evolution' of the species. The evolution of the species from the single cellular beings to the humans is possible as Darwin claims. Darwin speaks of the evolution of the physical forms but, the eastern religions claim that the 'consciousness' or 'awareness' is evolving through these physical forms and the evolution breeds more and more 'aware' beings. The nature can help; the evolution can help the beings to evolve or to grow within till human form and after that it can't help. After the 'soul' gets into the 'human form' the 'soul' has to struggle to grow within on its own accord. This is where the religion and spiritual practices come into play.

So, the point is that you can grow your 'awareness' but, this can't be gained from the external world; no matter how much knowledge you accumulate from outside. By gaining knowledge you can become more 'knowledgeable' but, your 'knowing' can't grow. Only through rigorous spiritual practices one can become more and more aware. The eastern religions claim that, you can grow your 'knowing' or 'awareness' to the extent that - you could become 'omniscient' or you can get every possible piece of knowledge in the universe but, this can't be achieved through learning the facts from outside; by learning every piece of 'information' present in the universe.

The eastern religions claim that, without learning even a single piece of 'information' from the world out, it is possible to know everything in the universe just by growing your 'knowing' or 'awareness', just by doing 'spiritual practices'. Only due to this reason the eastern religions didn't entertain the practice of 'educating all' in the ancient days as is common nowadays. This is because by collecting information you could just memorize it but, you can't digest it especially in the case of the advanced facts. So, in the olden days the eastern religions stressed on 'growing the knowing' in the people and NOT on giving 'knowledge'.

Knowledge can be given from outside but, 'knowing' can't be given. One has to grow their 'knowing' on their own. This is where all the types of 'spiritual practices' come into play. If you grow your 'knowing', knowledge comes to you on its own and there is no need of learning from out side as we are all accustomed to.

If you give 'knowledge' to an 'idiot', the 'idiot' can't become 'wise' this is just because 'knowing' or 'awareness' could only come from within. "Luminous from within".

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# Bhargava... 

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