Rich and poor, they don't care! This is the major similarity between the rich and poor people. Both the rich and poor, don't care many things; they don't care the customs, they don't care the laws, they don't care the morals and the like.
Of course, this applies to the majority of the rich and poor but, NOT to all of them!
The rich and poor alike, they don't care the laws, commonly accepted rules and regulations but, for different reasons. The rich people don't care the laws especially in the developing countries because, they are capable of buying justice in favor of them. The majority of the people in the bureaucracy and those working for the government are all middle class people and of course these middle class people in general are obeyed by the morals and rules and on the other hand they love the money too, too deeply! Deeper than they love the morals and laws. So, a lot of these could be bribed - if they are given huge amounts of money. If they are given less money they might not be tempted but, if they are given huge amounts [a million!] naturally, they will yield and are inclined to over ride the laws and can work in favor of the rich people. The rich are capable of buying the working class and thus can come out of the crimes they do easily, in the majority of the cases.
On the other hand, many of the poor people don't care, whether they are in their house or in the prison. Many of the friends and relatives of the poor would have gone to the prison and the poor don't mind - going to a prison as a serious offence. In the circles of the poor 'doing crimes' and 'going prison' are very common things for different reasons. So, the poor don't care committing crimes.
The rich people don't care the customs, because in one or the other way they feel, the customs are foolish and they would love to change the customs as per their wish. They don't believe the customs as much as the 'common man' does. So, they don't mind to over ride the customs to fulfill their selfish needs.
On the other hand, for the poor person, over riding the 'customs' is a survival strategy. Ever from the day one of their birth, they live in circumstances that force them to 'over ride' the customs for survival. In this way they are accustomed to 'over ride' customs and they don't care to care customs.
The rich people feel, those who are not rich are 'inferior' to them and they don't mind to treat the inferior beings with a different eye or to ill treat them. In such a scenario, the morals will diffidently take a second position and they don't care to keep the morals aside.
In the case of the poor, if they stick to the morals, they can't survive; they can't fulfill their day to day needs or they can't ascend on the ladder of life. So, the poor don't stick to the morals often facing the battle of life. On the other hand, their surroundings too, have plenty of immoral people and seeing the immoral they don't mind doing the immoral things.
Due to these reasons,in general the rich and the poor, don't care to do crimes or sins or to cross the laws. This you could observe in the world around, the majority of the criminals and sinners or law breakers - are either from the 'rich' or the 'poor' back grounds, unfortunately. These are some of the similarities between the poor and the rich people.
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# Bhargava...
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