Saturday, June 4, 2016

First impression! How people estimate You?

Whenever you meet someone new, you quickly judge his or her personality. You determine whether the person can be trusted or is competent.
If you pay attention to these things, it will help you evaluate whether you want to further your relationship with that person.
Such judgement of character can be useful in making major decisions pursuing a romantic relationship or offering employment.
Check out how people judge you, based on these small things:
1. Your handwriting
Your handwriting is a window to your personality. Studies indicate that the way you write creates an obvious or sub-conscious impression small handwriting indicates a shy, meticulous and studious person while people
who are outgoing and highly confident tend to have large handwriting.
According to the National Pen Company, persons who put more pressure on the pen while writing take things seriously, while light-handed writers tend to be more sensitive.
2. Your colour 
The colours you choose says a lot about you. People who chose black tend to be sensitive, artistic and attentive to details. Black also dominates and conveys power. While those you choose red live life to the fullest. Shades of red are worn by people who are proactive, confident and lively.
Blue indicates loyalty and hard work. It’s a good colour to wear for interviews. People who choose blue tend to be stable and considerate to others.
3. Biting your nails 
Some body-centered repetitive behaviour says a lot about your personality. Pulling your hair, biting nails could give an impression that you are impatient, bored or dissatisfied.
Research points out that those who bite their nails tend to be perfectionists, along with being nervous.
4. Your shoes 
According to a leading researcher at the University of Kansas in USA, just by examining the cost, style, color and condition of your shoes, people can guess about 90% of the wearers personality such as income,
attitude, gender, and even age.
Clean and well-maintained shoes goes a long way in creating a good impression.
5. Your eyes 
Your eyes are the mirror to your soul. Your eyes can tell lots about you - what you are thinking and
feeling. Even weather you can be trusted or not. and if you are either deceitful or loyal.
According to studies, people with blue eyes are less agreeable and more likely
to be alcoholics than people with darker eyes.
People who maintain steady eye contact are generally viewed as trustworthy and strong-willed.
6. Your punctuality 
Whether you are early or late for an appointment tells much about your attitude. If you are late for a meeting, it shows you are not serious about it and creates a negative impression. It indicates you are not organized or self-motivated and do not value others time.
7. Your handshake 
A strong handshake exudes confidence and strength. Such people are also likely to more expressive and extroverted. However, be careful that your handshake is not a bone-cruncher that may actually indicate low esteem and an insincere attempt at creating a impression.
People with feeble handshakes, on the other hand, lack confidence and tend to want the easy way out of lifes challenges. A graceful Namaste may actually reflect traditional values of respect, humility and trust.
Weather you choose a handshake or a traditional Namaste make sure it is accompanied with a smile.
First impression lasts
Remember, the first impression is the most important. It determines whether the other person chooses to pursue his or her contact with you. Your success at work or in relationships is strongly determined by how people perceive you.
Another thing about personal grooming is that it permeates you and actually helps in self-s motivation, confidence and esteem.
Hope Trust rehab (est. 2002) helps those in recovery lead a structured lifestyle. Part of the recovery process is urging clients to shave, dress neatly and conduct themselves with grace and poise. So that they are more equipped to rebuild relationships and reintegrate successfully into society.
~  Ms. Raisa Luther, Psychologist

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