Monday, August 1, 2016

Why relations break-up ?

The ‘law of causation’ claims that there is a reason for everything in the world and for breaking up of relationships too there should be valid reasons without exception. The foremost of these reasons is ‘lack of trust’ on each other or at least on one side. On the other hand ‘lack of trust’ too has its own reasons interestingly. The majority of these reasons are enlisted here in this post. Any one of these reasons could break the relationship unfortunately. So, in order to maintain a healthy relationship it is better to avoid these:
Lack of trust – dishonesty; suspicion; broken commitments; cheating and this is the major one for any break-up;
Lack of growth – stagnation; too little growth or progression; outgrowing a partner
Falling out of love – the emotional bond weakens
Unmet needs – important needs unfulfilled; compromise instead of win-win
Insecurity – people often leave partners who seem clingy and insecure
Unacceptable behavior – boundaries violated; partner can’t or won’t change
Incompatibility – conflicting or diverging goals, desires, or values; growing apart
Social and family pressures – disharmony; privacy invasion; external boundary violations
Wanting to be single – not wanting to be in a relationship; restoring individuality
Not enough touch or sex, or bad sex – loss of sensual and sexual desire and/or fulfilment
Not enough fun – lack of fun weakens the emotional bond
Abuse – physical, mental, and/or emotional dis-empowerment
Drug abuse – causes a myriad of problems
Money problems – conflicts about spending, saving, debt, risk, etc.; increases relationship stress
Not enough value exchange – unbalanced giving and/or receiving; feeling of running on empty
So, it is better to avoid these things in your relationships and be happy; otherwise you might have to repent later on in life.

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