Will our actions impact us in future ? : Definitely! NO doubt at all - claim the eastern religions, especially the Hinduism !This is defined by the ‘law of actions’ in the Hinduism and it is known by the name of “Karma Siddhanth”. This is directly related to the third law of Newton – which states that “for every action these is an equal and opposite reaction”. This law of Newton is nothing but, the narrowed down law of the Karma [actions]. ‘Karma’ – literally means ‘action’ and it implies there is a resemblance between the two words and laws. ‘Krma Siddhanth’ – is a broader law that applies to any action in general and the Newton’s law describes only the action of forces. So, this implies that we have to bear the fruits of our actions and we can’t escape them though one might hide in obscurity. The ‘good’ or ‘bad’ things we do will come back to us without fail...
Will our actions impact us in future ? : Definitely! NO doubt at all - claim the eastern religions, especially the Hinduism !This is defined by the ‘law of actions’ in the Hinduism and it is known by the name of “Karma Siddhanth”. This is directly related to the third law of Newton – which states that “for every action these is an equal and opposite reaction”. This law of Newton is nothing but, the narrowed down law of the Karma [actions]. ‘Karma’ – literally means ‘action’ and it implies there is a resemblance between the two words and laws. ‘Krma Siddhanth’ – is a broader law that applies to any action in general and the Newton’s law describes only the action of forces. So, this implies that we have to bear the fruits of our actions and we can’t escape them though one might hide in obscurity. The ‘good’ or ‘bad’ things we do will come back to us without fail...
20' Aprl' 2016
What are bad times ? How do they work ? : Isn’t there a good time for seeding a particular crop ? Can you buy the shares during the war times ? Yes - certainly there are times for doing things. It is a fact that the planetary positions indeed affect our works and results, apart from other things. There are certain times and places for everything in the world. If you search for ‘ice’ in a desert – will you be successful? If you hope for ‘snowfall’ in the summer will you be happy? These are not limited to just seasons, day and nights but, it is an undeniable fact that there are certain times for doing things otherwise we will never succeed, find happiness in the world – the eastern religions claim.
19' Aprl' 2016
Why people often disagree ? : We often come across people debating or fighting on different issues and without any final verdict, unfortunately. Have you thought of the reason for this lack of compromise in spite of their sophisticated reasoning and logic? Even the highly intellectuals are not coming into compromise! Let aside the bad people, even the good people fail to come to compromise, unfortunately! For example the wife and husband, parents and children, boss and worker, close friends, etc., get into endless arguments without any outcome. Do you have any answer for this ? The eastern religions have the answer for this uncompromising attitude of people. They say – not coming to consensus after rigorous arguments - is not the fault of people...
18' Aprl' 2016
What is good ? What is bad ? : Although 'good' and 'bad' are relative [depending on place and time] terms, there are certain things or deeds in the world that are really or absolutely good or bad. Even depending on the maturity level of the individual concerned certain things might appear as 'good' or 'bad'. Although the world is relative, the eastern religions claim that, really there are absolute things in the world that are 'good' and 'bad' alike. If the things or deeds are helpful to you for your spiritual growth then they are the absolute good things or deeds. There are absolute good in the sense that they are universally good, good to all people at all the times. For example 'prayer' is good to all...
17' Aprl' 2016
What is useless in the world ? : As a matter of fact nothing is useless in the world but, people often stamp certain things as 'useless' and this is a relative opinion only and this relative opinion too depends on the 'maturity level' of the individuals concerned. Broadly speaking there are 3-types of people in the world with respect to their maturity level or intellectual capability. These 3-classes of people have different opinions on what is useless and what is not. Interestingly, the same thing one type of person thinks as useless turns out be highly useful from the point of the some other type of persons, especially to those standing 'high' on the maturity ladder. To the persons on the low level of intellectual maturity, apart from the basic things like eatables, clothing etc., rest of the things are useless and generally this is how this type of people look at things in the world. Generally, these...
13' Aprl' 2016
Why women were not given freedom in the past ? : Most of the modern thinkers believe that – the ancients were controlling the women and were not giving freedom to women. Consequently they think the past societies are male dominant and women were suppressed. These are all the feminist points of view and the fact is totally different. The ancient societies were under the control of wise men and sages. They had the knowledge of all facets of life. They were more knowledgeable than the present day scholars and scientists in many ways. The problem with our scientists is that they are good at only one or few subjects or angles of life and world. They study the different angles of life and world as separate entities but, unfortunately not put together, as a whole...
9' Aprl' 2016
What are Omens? The science behind them! : Omens are not unscientific contrary to many modern thinkers feel. It has deeper logic, which the modern minds fail to comprehend. Here, I will give some indirect logic to the working of ‘omens’, as I don’t know the direct logic behind their occurrences - I honesty accept. The eastern religions stress that everything is interconnected with everything else in the universe and there are no islands here separated from the rest. So, if something happens here that will undoubtedly affect the entire universe now or later. In the same way if something happens...
8' Aprl' 2016
Traits of the rich people : There are many differences between the rich and the not rich people concerning their thinking or behavior, but the following traits primarily distinguish or make the rich people. Questioning: The rich people don't want to make guesses where ever or when ever they don't have sufficient information. They don't hide their lack of knowledge and they don't feel ashamed to reveal their lack of knowledge and are often ready to know the truths they are not familiar with. Rich or preferably the would be rich individuals often ask questions to know or to know more. They don't hesitate to ask questions. Constant Learning: Often the not rich people think that education is for...
6' Aprl' 2016
Luminous from within ! : Religions, especially the eastern religions stress that, it is quite possible to get or gather 'information' or 'knowledge' from the external world; it is possible to become knowledgeable; it is possible to grow 'knowledge' - but, unfortunately it is not possible to grow the 'knowing' or awareness by knowing or learning the 'facts' from the outside world. This is where the human beings; more precisely the animals and the computers differ. The computer systems can be given information or knowledge but, it is impossible to make them 'aware'. Although a branch of computer scientists are trying hard to make the computers and some robots to mimic the behavior of the human beings using the specialized techniques of 'artificial intelligence' or AI - what they are doing is just to teach the 'systems' to act like the humans in some 'limited domain' but, they are unable to make the 'computer systems 'aware' or 'conscious'. On the other hand, the religions stress that...
5' Aprl' 2016
Why sex gives maximum pleasure ? : Sex - gives maximum pleasure in the world compared to any other pleasure. There are different reasons for this if you look at it deeply. First of all, you should be aware that any pleasure from the world might come to the individuals ONLY through the 'five' sense organs. Few examples being; the tongue would be delighted to eat the things that are delicious; the eye is thrilled when it sees objects of out standing beauty. Note that in these happenings of 'joy' - only one sensual organ is actively involved. When coming to 'sex' - all the FIVE sense organs are involved and are delighted in sex. So, naturally 'sex' gives the maximum pleasure to the subjects concerned. The five sense organs; eye, nose, tongue, ears and the skin all are actively involved in sex - so it gives the maximum pleasure to the individuals. This is the first reason.
4' Apr' 2016
Rich and poor - similarities ! : Rich and poor, they don't care! This is the major similarity between the rich and poor people. Both the rich and poor, don't care many things; they don't care the customs, they don't care the laws, they don't care the morals and the like. Of course, this applies to the majority of the rich and poor but, NOT to all of them! The rich and poor alike, they don't care the laws, commonly accepted rules and regulations but, for different reasons. The rich people don't care the laws especially in the developing countries because, they are capable of buying justice in favor of them. The majority of the people in the bureaucracy and those working for the government are all middle class people and of course these middle class people in general are obeyed by the morals and rules and on the other hand they love the money too, too deeply! Deeper than they love the morals and laws. So, a lot of these could be...
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